International Research Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Host factors in Campylobacter jejuni infection: A Review
*Abruquah, H. H. |
Oldfield, N. J. |
Worrall, K |
Wooldridge, K. G |
Ala’Aldeen, D. A |
Infection with C. jejuni is usually self-limiting but has varied manifestations depending on the host and the host‟s geographical location, thus, prompting the importance of host immune responses in determining disease. Fucosylated sugars in breast milk have been demonstrated not only to inhibit C. jejuni binding and infection but also prevent diarrhoea in infants, whilst the bactericidal effect of human serum has long been demonstrated, underlining the importance of host innate responses in containment of infection with C. jejuni.
Keywords: Immune responses, infection, C. jejuni, host factor, human serum
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