Paederia thouarsiana, alcoholic extract, oral conditions.


International Research Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Original Research Article

Combination of phytotherapy by using herbal medicine from Paederia thouarsiana leaf crude extract and conventional therapy for the care of painful oral conditions in a clinical dentistry practice

Ramanampamaharana Rija Herindrainy1,2,3, Randriamavo Solo Hasiniaina Norovololona Angèle3, Rasoamananjara Jeanne Angelphine2, and Rafatro Herintsoa*1,2,3.

1Dentistry Office of Garrison Infirmary, Third Military Region from First Regiment, Toamasina, Madagascar.
2Madagascan Institute of Tropical Odonto Stomatology (IOSTM), University of Mahajanga, Madagascar.
3Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology Assessment, Malagasy Institute of Applied Researches, Albert and Suzanne Rakoto-Ratsimamanga Foundation (LEPC/IMRA/FASRR), Antananarivo, Madagascar.

* Corresponding Author Email: prof.rafatro(at)

Tel.:+261 32 04 890 36

Ramanampamaharana Rija Herindrainy

Randriamavo Solo Hasiniaina Norovololona Angèle

Rasoamananjara Jeanne Angelphine

Rafatro Herintsoa

Article Number: irjmbs.22.001  |   Pages: 1-15  |   Vol. 7 (1), March 2022   |   DOI:

 Received: November 15, 2021  Accepted: January 24, 2022  Published: March 25, 2022


This is the first study to describe the public health interests in the use of the Paederia thouarsiana leaf hydro alcoholic extract in combination of conventional practices to treat painful oral conditions, within a clinical dentistry office. A mono-centric, controlled, randomized and single-blind, phase three clinical trial was realized, in Garrison Infirmary Dentistry Office, during three-year period, to 378 patients presenting 1,095 cases of painful oral conditions. The observations revealed pain disappearance, on the one hand, and healing, marked by the permanent intervention cessation, on the other hand. Combination therapies (use of Paederia thouarsiana extract and conventional practice, named studied cases) presented more advantages, in term of duration decrease of painful sensation and time care: the average reduction was two to twenty times lower, compared to control cases (conventional practice application only). The totalities of patients treated with Paederia thouarsiana extract, alone or combined with conventional practice, were healed earlier than those who received only conventional practice. Therapeutic failure was observed only during the pre-pulpitis care; its frequency was four times lower in studied cases. Direct application of Paederia thouarsiana leaf hydro alcoholic extract immediately relieved painful oral conditions and significantly decreased the care duration average.


Paederia thouarsiana, alcoholic extract, oral conditions.

How to Cite this Article

Ramanampamaharana RH, Randriamavo-Solo HNA, Rasoamananjara JA, Rafatro H (2022). Combination of phytotherapy by using herbal medicine from Paederia thouarsiana leaf crude extract and conventional therapy for the care of painful oral conditions in a clinical dentistry practice. Int. Res. J. Med. Biomed. Sci. 7(1):1-16.

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