Intestine, mesentery, tomography, whirled


International Research Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

A case report of sigmoid volvulus in the elderly: Computed tomographic findings

Muhammad Sule Baba

Ma’aji Sadisu Mohammed

Sa’idu Sule Ahmed

Shamaki Amina Muhammad Bello

Usman Aminu Umar

Article Number: irjmbs.21.002  |   Pages: 5-10  |   Vol. 6 (2), May 2021   |   DOI:

 Received: August 4, 2020  Accepted: September 23, 2020  Published: May 8, 2021


The sigmoid colon wraps around itself and its mesentery, resulting in sigmoid volvulus. It is responsible for 2-5% of all colonic obstructions, 76.2% of all colonic volvulus, and is most commonly seen in adult males. The mortality rate for sigmoid volvulus is estimated to be 10-50%, with a morbidity rate of 6-24%. A 70-year-old farmer presented for an abdominal computed tomographic scan due to sigmoid volvulus and a failed colonoscopy. The abdominal computed tomography revealed dilated small and large intestines with multiple air-fluid levels, as well as the twisted sigmoid colon and its mesentery with its characteristic whirled appearance. The patient underwent successful surgical relief of the obstructed colon, followed by sigmoid colon excision to prevent recurrence (sigmoidectomy). Because of its rarity, we report the characteristic computed tomographic appearance of sigmoid volvulus in this elderly patient.


Intestine, mesentery, tomography, whirled

How to Cite this Article

Baba MS, Ma’aji SM, Sa’idu SA, Bello SAM Umar UA (2021). A case report of sigmoid volvulus in the elderly: Computed tomographic findings. Int. Res. J. Med. Biomed. Sci. 6(2):5-10.

International Research Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Vol.6 (2),pp. 5-10, May 2021
ISSN 2488-9032
Available online at
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