Changes in senior leadership and its effect on school goal achievement: An experience of Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools in Mara Region, Tanzania
Joshua S. Okello and Baraka M. Ngussa
Influence of school culture on students’ attitude towards the learning of mathematics Subject: A Case of Ward secondary schools in Arusha District, Tanzania
Emmakulata M. Begenyeza, Eliada W. B. Tieng’o and Baraka M. Ngussa
The role of teachers and parents on students’ career choice preparedness based on gender: A case of Secondary Schools in Arusha District, Tanzania
Tekla Venant, Simon Arego and Baraka M. Ngussa
The human brain: Search for natural intelligence
Kamal I. Al-Malah
The effectiveness of reading medium to pupils with albinism: A comparative study between print and Braille medium use in inclusive Primary Schools in Tanga and Arusha Regions
Lucas Naiman and Elifelet Azaliwa
Utilization of Doodly for designing effectively engaging environmental education multimedia packages in the Covid-19 era
Johnson Idorenyin Edet, Offiong Agnes Edet, Nkanu Celestine Unoh, Uwakwe, Chinedozie and Ugah Joseph Chukwudi