Mentimeter, Audience Response System, classroom interaction, formative assessment, student perception


International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review

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Ma Mohin
Leonine Kunzwa
Sagar Patel

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Using mentimeter to enhance learning and teaching in a large class

Ma Mohin*1, Leonine Kunzwa2 and Sagar Patel2

1School of Engineering, University of Bolton, Bolton, UK, BL3 5AB.
2School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, AL10 9AB.

*Corresponding Author’s Email: mohin_017(at)

Ma Mohin

Leonine Kunzwa

Sagar Patel

Article Number: IJEPRR.22.005  |   Pages: 48-57  |   Vol.9 (2), March 2022   |   DOI:

 Received: January 17, 2022  Accepted: March 17, 2022  Published: March 31, 2022


Mentimeter is a web-based Clicker, Audience Response System (ARS) or Student Response System (SRS) which allows students to answer digital questions using a mobile device. It has the potential to transform the classroom environment into a more interactive, engaging and inclusive one. In this paper, a brief literature review has been provided which addresses the benefits of using ARS including Mentimeter in a large class. Additionally, the mechanics behind how the workings of the Mentimeter, its features and applications have been evaluated in order to offer the instructors with the insights about using Mentimeter for their own practice. Finally, a case study has been explained where Mentimeter was used for the formative assessment. In the present study, a Mentimeter formative assessment model has been developed which can be implemented as a good practice in Higher Education (HE). A survey on perception of students about using Mentimeter has been assessed and from the results, it is evident that using Mentimeter has a positive impact on students’ attitude and performance, learning environment and technical aspects. These results will be further discussed by linking pedagogical theories and its benefits.


Mentimeter, Audience Response System, classroom interaction, formative assessment, student perception

How to Cite this Article

Mohin M, Kunzwa L, Patel S (2022). Using mentimeter to enhance learning and teaching in a large class. Int. J. Educ. Pol. Res. Rev. 9(2):48-57.

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