International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review

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Tekla Venant
Simon Arego
Baraka M. Ngussa

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Original Research Article

The role of teachers and parents on students’ career choice preparedness based on gender: A case of Secondary Schools in Arusha District, Tanzania

Tekla Venant1, Simon Arego1 and Baraka M. Ngussa*1

1School of Education, University of Arusha, Tanzania

*Corresponding Author Email: ngussathe5th(at)

Tekla Venant

Simon Arego

Baraka M. Ngussa

Article Number: IJEPRR.21.025  |   Pages: 223-231  |   Vol. 8 (6), November-December 2021   |   DOI:

 Received: September 12, 2021  Accepted: October 18, 2021  Published: November 3, 2021


This study sought to establish the role of teachers and parents on students’ career choice preparedness based on gender among Secondary Schools in Arusha District, Tanzania. The study employed the descriptive research design. The sample was 314 extracted from 2200 form three students through simple random sampling. The validity of the questionnaire was done through expert review and reliability results were above 0.7 Cronbach’s Alpha for each variable. Ethical considerations were achieved through obtaining permit from the government authority before data was collected. The study concluded that female students were more prepared for career than the male students. While both male and female students agreed that teachers and parents prepared them for career choice, female students had a significantly higher mean score than the male students on the role of teachers and parents in preparing them for career. There is a significant positive yet moderate correlation between students’ career preparedness and the role of teachers. Furthermore, there is a significant positive yet moderate correlation between the role of parents and students’ preparedness. The more the teachers and parents did their role, the better the preparedness of students. The study recommends that teachers and parents should do their role equally in preparing both male and female students for career. Teachers and parents should maintain their role in preparing students for career so that students can be more prepared for future career.

Keywords: Career choice, teachers, parents, preparedness, gender, disparity, Tanzania

How to Cite this Article

Venant T, Arego S, Ngussa BM (2021).The role of teachers and parents on students’ career choice preparedness based on gender: A case of Secondary Schools in Arusha District, Tanzania.Int. J. Educ. Pol. Res. Rev. 8(6):223-231.

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