International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review
Lessons from online learning during Covid-19 pandemic for building education resilience in secondary schools in Kenya: A case study
Florence Kisirkoi*1 and Angela Kamanga2
1Senior Lecturer Maasai Mara University, Kenya
2Education Officer Ministry of Education Taita-Taveta, Kenya
*Corresponding Author’s Email:kisirkoiflorence(at)
Tel.:+254 739668315
Florence Kisirkoi |
Angela Kamanga |
Online learning was the preferred avenue to sustain learning during the COVID – 19 pandemic when all learning institutions closed globally. Lessons learnt could be used to build education resilience in times of education disruptions in Kenya. A case study of two public secondary schools was conducted anchored on connectivism theory and Technological Pedagogic Content Knowledge. The participants were 15 teachers and 154 form four candidates from two secondary schools, purposively selected as the candidate classes. The objectives were to find out: the technology devices used by teachers and students to learn; whether the teachers and the students had knowledge, skills and attitudes to engage in online learning; how teachers and students acquired knowledge and skills to use the technology devices and whether there were any interventions provided to support them. A questionnaire for teachers and another for students collected quantitative and qualitative data which was analysed and established that few students managed to engage in online learning without adequate support and other technology devices were used for learning.
Keywords: Online learning, resilience, lessons, figuring out
Kisirkoi F, Kamanga A (2022). Lessons from online learning during Covid-19 pandemic for building education resilience in secondary schools in Kenya: A case study. Int. J. Educ. Pol. Res. Rev. 9(2):58-68.
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