Talent management, school leadership, teacher’s role, student competence.
">International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review
Influence of external factors on development of high school student talent and competencies
Agus Amin Sulistiono1 and Lucia H Winingsih*1
1Research Center for Educational Policy ,Office of Research and Development, Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author Email: luciahw(at)yahoo.com
Agus Amin Sulistiono |
Lucia H Winingsih |
This study aim to examine the influence principal leadership, the role of teachers, and community participation on talent management and student competency development. This research was conducted in three district/city locations with a sample of 360 high school students from 12 schools, which chosen through random sampling. The main data was collected used questionnaires which previously have question items in which validity and reliability were tested, also interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) also used to richer the data. This study uses path analysis techniques to determine the relationship between variables. The results found that the principal’s leadership, teacher’s role, and community participation have a positive influence on student talent management, and the talent management itself has a positive effect on the development of student competencies. On that basis it is suggested that the principal needs to emphasize the vision of management and the development of student talents accompanied by supporting facilities and fostering collaboration with parties outside the school (individuals and institutions) that are relevant, and teachers need to pay more attention to the characteristics, interests, and talents of students, in order for teacher s to direct, to channel, and to develope student competencies.
Talent management, school leadership, teacher’s role, student competence.
Sulistiono AA, Winingsih LH (2020). Influence of external factors on development of high school student talent and competencies. Int. J. Educ. Pol. Res. Rev.7(5):164-172
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