International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review
Efforts and barriers of higher education production of teacher towards global reputation: Indonesia case
Tuty Sariwulan,1 Iskandar Agung,2* Ferdi Widiputera2 and M. Calvin Capnary3
1Faculty of Economy, State University of Jakarta- Jakarta, Indonesia.
2Center of Research Policy of Education and Culture, Research and Development Agency – Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia.
3Faculty of Management and Business, University of Mercu Buana – Jakarta, Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author Email: safrusal.1958(at)
This paper investigates the efforts and barriers of Indonesian universities that produce prospective teachers (called: LPTK) towards global reputable higher education. The contents of the paper are part of the research results on 10 state LPTK. Data collection is done by distributing interviews, focus group discussions, and documentation. The results indicate that all LPTK had begun to direct their education to be of global reputation, even though it was only at the initial stage. However, the effort towards global sustainability is still threatened, due to the obstacles faced. Sustainability requires high commitment from the LPTK itself, as well as government assistance in the form of fulfilling the budget needed to support globally reputed LPTK, enlarging the number of lecturers abroad, promotion through overseas representatives, learning support facilities, increasing the need for lack of lecturers, activities of excellent research, and publication of lecturers’ paper in national and international journals.
Keywords: Higher education, teacher, effort, barriers, global reputation.