Competence, implementation, knowledge, skills, physical education, physical fitness activities
">International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review
Competence and implementation of physical fitness activities in relation to freshmen students’ performance in physical education
Charito C. Rodriguez
Caraga State University, Butuan City, Philippines.
Author’s Email: chacha92071(at)
Charito C. Rodriguez |
This study was conducted among the State, Universities and Colleges in Caraga Region. The respondents of the study include all the instructors handling physical education, chairs/heads of the department and randomly chosen freshmen students. The study employed a descriptive-correlation design to determine the competence in terms of the level of knowledge and skills, the level of implementation of physical fitness activities in Physical Education 1 and students’ performance in the pre-test and post-test along the variables of physical fitness components. The instruments were adapted from the Competencies of Instructors, Implementation and Problems in Physical Education, Private Tertiary Schools and DECS Order No. 58 s. 1990. Results showed that teachers were knowledgeable and skillful and the physical fitness activities were satisfactorily implemented as rated by students, chair/dean and themselves. Teachers’ age and relevant trainings in conditioning exercises, gymnastics activities, length of time to attain skills, distribution of performance, and the facilities and equipment had a significant relationship in the implementation of physical fitness activities. There was also a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the students’ performance level along the variables of physical fitness components in flexibility, muscular endurance, leg power, and cardiovascular endurance, except for muscular strength and body mass index. There was a significant difference in the level of competence when the teachers were grouped according to school. It was reflected in the students’ performance that there were considerable number of poor and very poor fitness category. However, the competence of teachers rated very high. Experience and relevant trainings enhance one’s capacity for the implementation of the different physical fitness activities. It is recommended that teachers should be involve in seminar workshop/trainings and schools have to provide equipment and facilities for physical fitness activities.
Competence, implementation, knowledge, skills, physical education, physical fitness activities
Rodriguez CC (2022). Competence and implementation of physical fitness activities in relation to freshmen students’ performance in physical education. Int. J. Educ. Pol. Res. Rev. 9 (5):136-146.
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