Issues in Biological Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research

Original Research Article

State of play of the practice of antibiotic therapy in broiler farms in Grand-Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)

COULIBALY Souhalio1,2*, YAPI Jean Noel1,2, SEKA S. John Steven3 and SORO Dofara1,2

1Université Nangui Abrogoua, UFR Sciences de la Nature, 02 BP 801 Abidjan 02, Côte d’Ivoire
2Laboratory of Animal Biology and Cytology, Animal Production Research Center
3Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny, Central and West African Virus Epidemiology (WAVE), 22 BP 582 Abidjan 22, Côte d’Ivoire

* Corresponding author Email: souhaliocoulibaly(at)

Tel.:+225 07 58 246 300


YAPI Jean Noel

SEKA S. John Steven

SORO Dofara

Article Number: ibspr.23.002  |   Pages: 8-19  |   Vol. 11 (1), June 2023   |   DOI:

 Received: March 25, 2023  Accepted: May 20, 2023  Published: June 3, 2023


The present study aimed to analyse poultry farming practices, abusive and uncontrolled antibiotics use in modern broiler farms, to obtain recent data on antibiotic therapy. One hundred and forty (140) poultry farms were surveyed in Grand-Abidjan. The results showed the acceptable level education of farmers and the majority of them (71.4%) have received poultry farming training. Despite this training, sanitary condition of the litter is poor, 64.3% of the farms received other farmers and 82.9% allow other animals to roam around in their farms. Most frequent diseases are coccidiosis (68%), Gumboro (43%), colibacillosis (21%), chronic respiratory diseases (16%), Newcastle disease (4%) and salmonellosis (3%). In addition, 54.3% of the poultry houses were poorly oriented and 53.6% of the farmers did not comply with chicken density standards. As for the antibiotic therapy analysis, survey revealed that 62.9% of farms were not monitored by veterinarians and therefore practised self-medication. 64.3% and 100% of farmers do not perform any post-mortems or additional tests before administering antibiotics. The most commonly used families of antibiotics included sulphonamides (29.2%), diaminopyrimidines (23%), tetracyclines (16.1%), macrolides (11.8%), polypeptides (7.5%), aminoglycosides (9.9%), beta-lactams (1.2%) and quinolones (1.2%). Also, the majority (60.7%) of these antibiotics were used as a preventive measure against 39.3% as a curative measure and all of these antibiotics (100%) were administered in drinking water. Finally, 62.1% of the farmers carried out treatments at the time of sale; 50.7% had no idea of the waiting times of the drugs; 30.7% modified the prescription times of the drugs and 33.6% modified the doses of the drugs prescribed on the labels. This study shows the necessity to encourage poultry farmers to be better trained and to apply good husbandry and antibiotic therapy practices in order to control the use of veterinary drugs in broiler farms to better protect consumer health.

Keywords: Survey, antibiotic therapy, poultry farmers, training, broiler

How to Cite this Article

Coulibaly S, Yapi JN, Seka SJS, Soro D (2023). State of play of the practice of antibiotic therapy in broiler farms in Grand-Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire). Issues in Biol. Sci. Pharma. Res. 11(1):8-19.

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