Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, employee retention
">Issues in Business Management and Economics
The effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment to employee retention in a lighting company
Andy Soenanta1*, Maruf Akbar1 and Rd. Tuty Sariwulan1
1State University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author Email: asoenantaunj(at)
Andy Soenanta |
Maruf Akbar |
Rd. Tuty Sariwulan |
Employee retention is a common issue in lighting companies due to its competitiveness of the industry. The objective of this research is to study the effect of the job satisfaction and organizational commitment to employee’s retention in a lighting company. Quantitative approach used in this research with survey method. The sample size for this research were 204 employees selected randomly. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaire and analyzed by using path analysis. The result of the research can be concluded that: 1) job satisfaction and organizational commitment had a positive direct effect on employee’s retention; 2) job satisfaction had a positive direct effect on organizational commitment. The implication is that weak or strong retention needs to be considered in company management because it will have an impact on the tendency or resilience of employee turnover.
Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, employee retention
Soenanta A, Akbar M, Sariwulan T(2020). The effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment to employee retention in a lighting company. Issues Bus. Manag. Econ. 8(4):97-103.
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